Wilson Tech Student Leaders Beautify Community

Wilson Tech Republic SkillsUSA members at Tanner Park cleanup

The SkillsUSA Chapter at Wilson Tech Republic Airport Campus recently completed its twice yearly beautification effort at Tanner Park in Copiague. During the October 19 visit, the high school career and technical education students cleaned up the area and planted fall flowers at the entrance of the Wilson Tech Republic SkillsUSA members at Tanner Park cleanuppark and in front of the senior center.

Since 2014, the Wilson Tech Republic SkillsUSA members have been visiting the Town of Babylon park in the fall and spring as part of their chapter’s ongoing commitment to community service. SkillsUSA is a national association serving students preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together that focuses on excellence and leadership.

Western Suffolk BOCES operates four Wilson Tech campuses through its Career and Technical Education Division, offering programs to secondary students focused in the career areas of graphics and media, health, service and technical occupations and transportation.