SkillsUSA Students from Wilson Tech Advance to Nationals

Wilson Tech SkillsUSA competitors continue to shine in competitions. At the state contests in Syracuse last week, three of our students bested their peers from throughout the state and took home first place prizes. The top finishers were: Valerie Whittall of Commack, Animal Careers; Messiah Reid of Copiague, Criminal Justice; and  Kevin Kelly of Harborfields, Industrial Motor Control.

Also performing well were second place finishers Emily Bholan (Smithtown East) in Fashion Design and Rocio Rivas Lizama (Huntington) in Job Interview.

Earning third place prizes were Dominick Stanco (Commack) in Architectural Drafting and the Quiz Bowl Team of  Andrew Brown (Amityville), Matthew Campisi (Commack), Dylan Hunt (West Babylon), Keith Iaccarino (Half Hollow Hills East) and Elizabeth O’Donnell (Commack).