
This appearance enhancement specialty in the field of skincare and make-up requires a separate NYS license in Esthetics. Course material introduces and develops the skills and knowledge required in order to successfully prepare for the NYS State Board Esthetics licensing examination.

Work EnvironmentCourse OutlineStudent Supplies
The ability to deal one on one with clients, the integration of commencement level math, reading, writing and communication skill, attention to personal appearance and hygiene, and the development of responsible attributes are essential for Estheticians
  • Professionalism
  • Bacteriology
  • Safety/Infection Control
  • Decontamination
  • Make-up
  • Post-mortem Make-up
  • Skin Care, Analysis and Disorders
  • Facial Treatments
  • Back Treatments
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Chemistry as Applied to Esthetics
  • Electricity/Light Therapy
  • Career Skillsl
  • Microblading
  • Microneedling
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Eyelash Extension
  • Nutrition
  • Spa Salon Business skills
First-Year Students
1. Uniforms: White cotton/polyester blend uniform top and pants. White professional-style leather low heel, closed toe shoes with appropriate hose.
Second-Year Students
1. Uniforms: Blush cotton/polyester blend uniform top and pants.

Licensing Requirements

All students successfully completing this program (Two year, 600 hours) will be eligible to sit for the NYS Licensing Examination in Esthetics; In addition to training in various specialty services within the Esthetics field.

CTE Endorsement

Students must successfully meet the academic and attendance criteria for a two-year Wilson Tech Certificate of Completion, be Regents eligible, and pass the following national certification exam: New York State Esthetics License.

About the Instructors

JoMarie Anderson is a Wilson Tech graduate who has always wanted to learn more about her chosen field. She holds licenses in Esthetics and Cosmetology as well as a bachelor’s degree. With more than 30 years of experience as a stylist/colorist, she continues working in the industry and has completed a master’s degree in administration.