Photography and Digital Imaging


Get behind the lens and experience what it takes to create dramatic photographs that convey an idea. Get studio and on-location experience. Take your film into the darkroom and make your idea come alive in a print. See how computers can create new images from your own photographs.

Work EnvironmentCourse OutlineStudent Supplies
The professional photographer may work in a studio, a darkroom with chemicals, or outdoors on location. Photography is the cornerstone of graphic arts, television, video and arts of the stage. Well-paid opportunities in these fields are always open to trained persons.

Fashion, sports, science, education, research, publishing, government and the armed services look more and more to photography to report, dramatize, illustrate, clarify, explain, and sell. Vast and lucrative opportunities also exist for the portrait and wedding photographer in every town.

  • Camera Theory and Applications
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5
  • Digital Cameras (DSLR)
  • Small/Medium Format SLR Cameras
  • Lighting Techniques
  • Film Processing
  • Composition
  • Business Techniques
  • Portraiture
  • Color Slide Production
  • Polaroid Emulsion Lift
  • Publicity, Industrial Products, and Fashion work
  • Black and White Darkroom
  • Color Skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Advanced Printing Techniques
1. Wilson Tech t-shirt for location and field trips
2. Students may use their own 35mm SLR or DSLR camera
3. 8 gig SD card
4. 8 gig flash drive

CTE Endorsement

Students must successfully meet the academic and attendance criteria for a two-year Wilson Tech Certificate of Completion, be High School diploma eligible, and pass the following national certification exam: Skill Connect Assessment and Skills USA Workforce Ready System – Photography.

About the instructor

Phyllis Montuori is an FIT graduate in photographic studies and advertising communications with a certificate in film studies from New York University. She earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in communication arts from NY Institute of Technology. As a freelance photographer, she shot production stills on “William F. Buckley’s –The Firing Line” TV show. She has worked as assistant director of student development at NYIT overseeing The Learning Center, where students could obtain peer tutoring and testing accommodations. Also, she worked as a programmer at Cablevision for the AMC network. She maintains affiliations with professional photography organizations as well as a freelance photography base. She has taught photography to students from elementary school to adults