Joseph Zambrotta (l.) of North Babylon gets words of encouragement from his mentor Steve Hurd (r.), service and parts director at Acura of Huntington. Joe, a senior in Tech’s automotive technology program, is participating in an AutoYES work-study program at the dealership.
Joseph Zambrotta and Grant Howard, who will be 2014 graduates of Wilson Tech’s automotive technology program, so impressed Steve Hurd (r.), service and parts director at Acura of Huntington during their internship last summer that the dealership offered them two days of paid work-study this school year.
Wilson Tech offers the AYES program to encourage automotive students to apply the skills they have learned in their Tech classroom in the workplace. According to Hurd, the Acura dealership was eager to sponsor Tech students in hopes of finding responsible and knowledgeable new technicians that they could then hire.
Wilson Tech is currently developing programs with other Long Island Acura dealerships for future internship and work-study opportunities for Tech students. For more information about Tech’s AYES program or other opportunities for workplace cooperation with Tech students, call Tech’s Job Placement Office at 631-667-6000 x114.