Beautification Project Earns Eagle Scout Rank!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnthony Pumarejo (l.), senior in construction electricity; Holly Michels, medical laboratory instructor; Isabella Mancini, CAD instructor; Karen Milian-Pumarejo, cosmetology instructor; and Bruce Spivak, culinary instructor, take a break during the installation of a seating area at Wilson Tech’s Dix Hills campus. The construction was part of Anthony’s Eagle Scout project.

Wait until you enter Wilson Tech’s Dix Hills campus! Students and staff have transformed the central loop into a beautiful park-like setting complete with a brick walkway with plantings and benches. A beautification project had been on the school’s wish list for some time, but it took the energy and commitment of a rising senior in Tech’s Construction Electricity program to bring the project together as his Eagle Scout project.

Anthony Pumarejo, a Half Hollow Hills East student and the son of cosmetology instructor Karen Milian-Pumarejo, spent months soliciting donations for everything from a sod cutter (Home Depot) to plants (Bisset Nursery) to food (Dunkin Donuts).

Students in Computer Aided Drafting and their instructor Isabella Mancini, designed the layout. Anthony acted as the “contractor” to ensure that all the volunteers followed the plan. Students in Welding designed and built a giant WT sculpture out of metal. Take a look at everyone at work on the project!

On the weekend when Anthony had everything organized for the installation, Home Depot employees volunteered along with his family, Tech instructors and his Boy Scout troop.

Concerned about the summer heat, Anthony has already returned to water the plants! When he dropped off his balance sheet recently for Principal Ann Joseph to verify, he told her he is committed to maintain the area throughout his senior year at Tech. Thanks everyone for the hard work! Juniors and seniors can still register for fall 2015 classes by calling the home high school guidance counselor or call Wilson Tech at 425-9050.