Walkway is Completed Using Student’s Design

Brandon Boyle stands in front of the new entrance to the National Leadership and Skills Center in Leesburg, VA, with Audra Moore (l.), Wilson Tech’s SkillsUSA advisor, and Isabella Mancini (r.), his Architectural Design/CAD instructor at Tech. The plan for the walkway leading into the headquarters for SkillsUSA was inspired by a plan that Brandon […]

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Scholarship to Build His Career

Sean Russo, a graduating senior in Wilson Tech’s Architectural Design/CAD program just learned that he has won a $1,000 scholarship from the National Technical Honor Society. These national scholarships are awarded annually to NTHS members who consistently exemplify the seven character attributes of the NTHS – Skill, Honesty, Service, Responsibility, Scholarship, Citizenship, and Leadership. The […]

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National Center Reflects Tech Student’s Vision

The new entrance to the National Leadership and Skills Center in Leesburg, VA, the headquarters for SkillsUSA, was inspired by a walkway plan that Brandon Boyle, a senior in Wilson Tech’s Architectural Design/CAD program, designed. The North Babylon student’s entry was selected from 32 entries in a nationwide competition. “His design was exceptional and we […]

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Architectural Design/CAD Student Earns Paid Internship

Senior Sarah Chiriboga (l.) and instructor Isabella Mancini (r.), explained Wilson Tech’s Architectural Design/CAD program to the BOCES Board at its January meeting. As the Architectural Design/CAD program progressed from residential to commercial structures, Wilson Tech student Sarah Chiriboga learned both the technical skills and the confidence to win a paid internship with William F. […]

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