Guidance Counselors Welcomed at Tech

Medical Assisting students at Wilson Tech.

Medical Assisting students Roxanne Montlouis (l.) and Taylor Zappola (c.) explained their program at Wilson Tech to Carisa Burzynski (r.), the Assistant Principal from John Glenn High School, during Tech’s annual Guidance Counselors’ Meeting. After touring exhibits of many of Tech’s programs, students in Fashion Merchandising/Design modeled outfits that they designed and constructed. Following the show, students in the Culinary Arts program served a brunch that they had prepared for the guidance counselors from the 18 school districts in Western Suffolk BOCES.

Fashion Merchandising/Design students at Wilson Tech.
Fashion Merchandising/Design students at Wilson Tech modeled garments, including Ugly Holiday Sweaters, they had designed and constructed during a holiday meeting of the guidance counselors from local high schools.
Wilson Tech students in Culinary Arts
Wilson Tech students in the Culinary Arts program prepared and served brunch for guidance counselors from local school districts.