Renee Massari
631-425-9050, ext. 374
fax number 631-623-4949
All students currently enrolled at Wilson Tech can take advantage of programs in Career Pathways. Whether you are planning on going to college or entering the world of work right after graduation, these FREE programs will help you reach your goals!
Education Expo
Students can meet with college representatives from various post-secondary institutions in November. Discuss admission criteria and receive college brochures.
Find the Right Job
Experienced staff are available in our Job Placement Department located at Tech’s Dix Hills campus to assist you with your job search. They offer help with resumes, interviewing and researching jobs. This lifetime service is available to you now and years after you graduate from Tech.
To schedule an appointment: Call 631-667-6000 x114.
Speak with your Tech instructor or contact the Career Pathways Counselor at 631-425-9050, ext. 374.