On the Tarmac with Aviation Students

Students in Wilson Tech’s Aviation Science/Flight program watched as a private jet took off from Republic Airport.

Both high school and adult students had a chance to learn more about an aerospace career at the 5th biennial Aviation & Aerospace Career Fair held recently at Republic Airport.

Wilson Tech offers Aircraft Technology where high school students can build the technical foundation that can lead to FAA licenses in Powerplant and Airframe. BOCES also has an FAA-approved Aviation Maintenance Technology program that offers financial aid to eligible adults to help prepare them for these FAA exams.

Wilson Tech also offers Aviation Science/Flight where students receive ground school and flight instruction in a single engine training aircraft. All flight time earned can be credited toward pilot certification.

For more information about high school programs at Wilson Tech, contact the home high school guidance counselor or call Tech’s Admission Office at 631-425-9050. For information about the BOCES AMT program for adults or to take a tour, call 631-752-1957.

Wilson Tech
High school students in Wilson Tech’s Aircraft Technology program inspected jets, helicopters and fixed wing planes during the recent Career Fair.

wilson Tech

Aviation Science/Flight students from Wilson Tech heard what it’s like to be a helicopter pilot during the Career Fair at Republic Airport.