Veterinarians Provide Scrubs and Field Trips

Wilson-Tech-Veterinary-Assisting-FFA-competition-2013-DSCN0204webThanks to a generous award of $500 from the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association, Wilson Tech’s Manor Plains chapter of FFA purchased the scrubs that the students in Veterinary Assisting program wore (shown above) at the recent New York State FFA Convention. LIVMA selected Wilson Tech’s FFA chapter for the award because of its history of success in recent years at both NYS and national skills competitions.

“The funds also enabled us to stop at the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY, and the Seneca Zoo in Rochester on the trip to the convention in Albion, NY. Both visits added new dimensions to the students’ knowledge of animal care,” noted Kathy Kemyl, Tech’s Veterinary Assisting instructor and FFA advisor.

FAA is a national leadership organization dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

Thanks to LIVMA for supporting our chapter!